Poison Ivy Massage
My ‘ex’ was an avid bow-hunter. After spending the day in a tree stand, hoping for a deer to wander by, he came home, and
Yes, these are mostly all about eastern poison ivy, not about Pacific Poison oak: we have not gotten many from California. Have you got a good one?
My ‘ex’ was an avid bow-hunter. After spending the day in a tree stand, hoping for a deer to wander by, he came home, and
As a teenager in the ’70s, I helped my dad clear some land in the country for a house. We camped out there for the
My husband was to appear as Jesus during our church’s Maundy Thursday service this year (March 2002). He asked me to try and find something
On our annual camping trip to the Ochlochnee River, it seems that I came in contact with poison ivy while “squatting” in the brush. I
When I was 10 yrs old (now almost 80) I got poison ivy from a girl scout campfire. This was before steroid treatment. I had
Today while examining a minor itchy, puffy rash near my right eye — almost certainly poison oak — I was reminded of my introduction to
My mother is an avid gardener and has transformed her yard from a scrubby expanse of red Georgia clay to a wonderland of lilies, herbs,
I was outside weeding around my yard recently and now I look like a monster again and itch like nobody’s business. It hadn’t dawned on
Like many summers before, the wild raspberry fields drew me away from white-washing the fence. So I’d scamper off to the fields in my painting
When I was a child, I had such severe reactions to poison ivy that I got a series of allergy shots every year. They never
When I was in college I took a class in “Camping.” My friend and I were late getting to our campsite on one of our
One morning I quickly threw on some loose-legged shorts, sans underwear, and went out to pull some weeds. Unbeknownst to me, I was receiving multiple
All of my childhood years I had never had a reaction to poison ivy. My mother never did either. I remember times when both my
Three years ago we bought a wonderful old Pittsburgh house. It was built by Mellon (the Pittsburgh billionaire) for his butler, in 1908. It is
I was working for a foster home – the building our children were housed in was to be sold and we had to move all
My father spent a day tearing out poison ivy vines around our house. At the end of the day, he took a shower and scrubbed
I was recently married and decided to take a summer job at my father-in-law’s apple orchard. My task was to strip the apple trees of
Our son Nelson, as a boy of 11, got in contact with poison ivy while creating a fort in the woods; he developed the noxious
A few years ago I got a HORRIBLE case of poison ivy. So bad I went to the doctor for help. He gave me prednisone,
We were fishing and catching some nice catfish and perch. My brother-in-law went off in another direction. He came back with lots of fish and
All my friends and I were playing hide and seek in the pines and tussled a little too close to the poison ivy – it
My brother & I always got it bad when we were kids – eyes swollen shut, 75% of our bodies in a blistered rash. We
Growing up in the wilds of Tennessee, I’ve spent the majority of my life in the woods. In almost 40 years, I’ve never had the
One day I was pruning some small trees and I wasn’t even aware that there was poison ivy around. The next morning I noticed a
I responded to a local ad to buy a cord of wood for cheap money in the dead of a New England winter. One catch
To celebrate the Fourth of July this year, my boyfriend and I decided to take the our dogs hiking. We had a great time and
The absolute worst case I’ve ever had, or ever even heard of, occurred when I was a child of about ten. My family was renting
I spotted some luscious looking wild raspberries growing just off the road. Into the patch I went. I ate all the berries I could find.
I’ve been an ivy victim on and off most of my life, so I am pretty aware of my surroundings. This spring I dug a
I was pulling weeds around our house and throwing them on our burn pile. I did not realize that there was poison ivy in the
I took a summer job during college with a landscaping company. I had never had poison ivy in my life and had no idea how
I had just bought a sports car and I was forced off the road by an oncoming car. My car flipped once and landed upside
Having had a spouse who would break out in a rash at the sight of poison ivy/oak, I came across a small notation in the
At a Nascar race, we camped in a HUGE campground with approximately 75,000 people. Well, one night after drinking a little a friend and I
It was the summer of 2003. I was just a young lad camping with a couple of friends before I shipped off for basic training.
One December, when I was 16 or so I went to play racquet ball. I had on a tank top and wore a bandanna on
Three friends and I were walking near the beach and two of my friends thought it would be funny to push me over as I
Back in the early 60s my girlfriend and I would play cowboys and Indians in the woods near our house. Little did we know that