This quiz is about California Pacific poison oak, not about the Atlantic poison oak that grows in the southeast of the US.

These leaves don't look like oak leaves. Are they poison oak or not?

Touch the images to see what these red fall leaves really are.


Is this common and nasty-looking plant poison oak?

Touch the image to see what this plant is.


Poison oak is a vine. Can it form a tall shrub like this?

Touch the image to what this bush really is.


What is going on in this photo?

Touch the image to see what this messy vine really is.


Is this one plant or two?

And if there are two plants, what are they? Touch the photo to find out.


What is this massive shrub under the power lines?

Touch the image to see what it might be.


What sort of plant is this?

Touch the image to see what it is.


These leaves don't look oak shaped. Are they poison oak or not?

Touch the image to find out.


There are FIVE leaves here. Does that mean it is not poison oak?

Touch the image to see what is going on here.
