A Gallery of  California’s Pacific Poison Oak in Many of Its Various Looks

pacific poison oak stalk with berries

Green Poison Oak Berries

Nice crop of green poison oak berries.

pacific poison green berries

Pumpkin Shaped Poison Oak Berries

Pacific poison oak has berries with grooves like those in pumpkins.

pacific poison reddish berries

Poison Oak Berries Turning from Green to Red

The berries start out green, then get red or brown, but end up white.

pacific poison red berries

Poison Oak Berries Turned Red

You can see the berries changing to full red.

pacific poison oak leaves and berries

Poison Oak Shrub with Berries

Here is a more dense plant with lots of berries, even as the leaves have fallen.

pacific poison oak leaves and berries

Poison Oak with Berries

This view is almost like a diagram, showing leaves coming off the main stem, with berries hanging down.

pacific poison oak berries

Poison Oak Berries Turned White

As the berries dry out they turn white and stay on the plant for a long time. The provide food for birds.

pacific poison oak shrub

Shrub In Dry Country

You can see that this a dry section of California, but there is a dense bush of poison oak growing in the foreground.

pacific poison oak shrub

Dense Shrub of Poison Oak

This is particularly dense stand of poison oak, with stalks almost touching.

poison oak lurking in California park

Poison Oak Lurking in Paradise

There is something specially lovely about California parks, but the big plant in the foreground is poison oak, just waiting for someone to stumble into it.

trailside poison oak

Poison Oak Over Above the Trail

This trail had large overhanging poison oak shubs much higher than one might expect.

stalks of pacific poison oak

Stalks of Poison Oak

These tall, straight stalks of poison oak are common. Note the different colors.

observing large growth of poison oak

Observing Dense Poison Oak Growth

This observer gives you sense of how large the poison oak shrubs are in front of a tree.

Poison Oak Poster

A Poison Oak Themed Event

Poison oak is very much a part of California culture as we see in this picnic poster.

pacific poison oak leaves and berries

Looking Up at Poison Oak

If poison oak climbs high up a tree you can end up looking upwards at it, as we see here with leaves and a crop of berries.

climbing pacific poison oak vine

Poison Oak Wrapping Around a Tree

You can see many layers of the poison oak vine as it wraps around this host tree.

pacific poison oak ground vine

Poison Oak Ground Vine

Before it can climb a tree or form a shrub, poison oak starts out as an innocent little seedling like this.

pacific poison oak leaves with other leaves

Poison Oak with Another Plant

This is a good example of how poison oak can have lobes and notches, but not really serrated leaf edges. The other plant on the bottom left is behind the actual poison oak.

narrow curled pacific poison oak leaves

Deeply Curled Poison Oak Leaves

In hot sunny spots poison oak leaves sometimes curl up like this, probably to keep from drying up.

diseased pacific poison oak

Diseased Poison Oak

It is not unusual to see poison oak affected by this condition, presumably some virus or insect attack.

pacific poison oak leaves

Frilly Looking Poison Oak

This is a bunch of very round but also frilly looking poison oak leaves.

pacific poison oak leaves in fall

Seasonal Variance

Here we see how poison oak in one spot can be in many different stages: green, yellow, orange, and red.

pacific poison oak leaves in fall

Poison Oak in a Dry Spot

This very dry gully nevertheless was host to a poison oak vine that was hanging on to a rocky edge.

pacific poison oak leaves in fall

Fall Poison Oak

Poison oak leaves turn color in the mild California fall, but not with the super colors that eastern poison ivy shows.

pacific poison oak leaves in red and green

Multi Colored Poison Oak

Poison oak leaves may start out red, like many young leaves, but turn green. It seems this growing tip is in the middle of changing.

poison oak show tshirt

The St. Charles Saloon Poison Oak Show Logo

This is the Tshirt logo put out by the St. Charles saloon for their annual poison oak show in Columbia, California. Not clear if this is still going on, but but hopefully it is.

poison oak show visitors

Visitors to the Poison Oak Show

The show was a loose, fun thing run by a group of locals who knew how to have fun.

poison oak show winner

A Winner at the Poison Oak Show

A contestant gets a prize for her poison oak display. Hopefully she is immune to the plant.

poison oak show entry

Artistic Entry at the Poison Oak Show

There are various categories in the poison oak show; this was clearly in the more creative side of things.

poison oak show entry

Sushi Dish at the Poison Oak Show

Please be advised that this is a goof: don’t be making sushi with poison oak.

poison oak show entry

A Wizard at the Poison Oak Show

This stylish fellow presented a small poison oak tree as his entry to the show.

poison oak show beers entry

Poison Oak Beers!

Someone did a nice job creating 5 different versions of poison oak beers… at least the labels.

poison oak show logo

Poison Oak Show Logo on Black

The logo was also available on black, a stylish Tshirt.